Review articles

Conservation of cattle genetic resources as part of the Rural Development Plan
Anna Majewska
Role and importance of native pig breeds and the possibility of their conservation as part of the Rural Development Operational Programme 2007-2013
Magdalena Szyndler-Nędza
Conservation of sheep genetic resources as part of the Rural Development Plan
Jacek Sikora
Conservation of horse genetic resources as part of the Rural Development Plan
Iwona Tomczyk-Wrona
Role and importance of local breeds of laying hens included in the conservation programme
Jolanta Calik Józefa Krawczyk
Role and importance of native goose varieties included in the genetic resources conservation programme
Juliusz Książkiewicz
Role and importance of native duck varieties included in the genetic resources conservation programme
Juliusz Książkiewicz
The role and significance of local breeds and varieties of fur animals and the possibility of theirconservation as part of activities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in 2007-2013
Paweł Bielański
Principles and planned conservation of the genetic resources of Polish native lines of carp(Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) and strains of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792)
Maciej Ligaszewski
Genetic resources conservation of Central European bees
Maria Jaszczyńska

Informative studies

Węgierskie rasy zachowawcze zwierząt gospodarskich w Hortobagy
Andrzej Drożdż
Zagrożenia dla środowiska naturalnego ze strony przemysłu i rolnictwa
Stanisław Płonka
50 lat hodowli gęsi w Instytucie Zootechniki
Jakub Badowski

From foreign journals

Łagodne traktowanie uspokaja bydło
Kazimierz Żukowski
Program tworzenia krajowych banków genów zagrożonych ras zwierząt gospodarskich
Kazimierz Żukowski

Episodes from the history of animal husbandry in Poland

Rola ogiera polskiego pochodzenia w czechosłowackiej hodowli koni huculskich
Józef Deskur Iwona Tomczyk-Wrona